As a background to Iron and steel workersstrike .  CTUWS confront a campaign.. In reply to this campaign,  We announce that we dont deny this accusation, but also it is hounour we can not postulate  for us, and we are ready to provide all the sacrifices

Press Releases
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - 17:52
Center for Trade Union and Workers, Services, 8 th of December 2013 ..
As a background to iron and steel workers strike ,  a fierce campaign was setting up toward El dar , accusing it with leading and guidance  the worker s strike , which was clearly mentioned yesterday in Abdel Fattah Ibrahim s talk, Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Egypt in the televised live broadcast program on the cbc2 channel ,which reveal The same mentality of ousted president Mubarak . The strike entered to its thirteenths day  . This atmosphere bring us back to what is happened after El Mahalla workdersstrike where both of  2006 following a strike , workers at Mahalla , where she led her time Aisha Abdel Hady " the Minister of Manpower " and Hussein Mogaware  " The president of the Federation of Trade Unions of Egypt led a fierce campaign against CTUWS , which led to closure of the El Dars headquarters of for a year and a half ..
 The Center for Trade Union and Workers Consider the performance of that Abdel Fattah Ibrahim and some officials who are unable to solve the problems of the workers , confirms beyond any doubt that the regime of President Mubarak has not fallen yet , in addition to his relevant policies governing , as well the same Incapable of mentalities continue to govern and control , instead of searching hard to radically solve labor problems. They resort to search for someone to upload responsibility , Find peg hang on it their miserable failure to realize the legitimate rights of workers , which recognized by all officials  ..
The Center for Trade Union and Workers' Reaffirming the official "( Abdel Fattah Ibrahim )"  who  believe that Egyptians workers are  ( Abdel Fattah Ibrahim ) herds , which  easy to be manipulated and directed , does not initially  deserve to speak on behalf of workers .Actually the egyptian workers especially the steel workers ,whom consider the workers foreground are stronger than to be led or motivated by one  , in addition to  el Dar s honorable mention to assure that  its  accusation of  motivation Steelworkers to grab their legitimate rights is not denouncement but also  honor they does not claim , as well as it is a workers’ trust ,  which is appreciated . We believe that this trust deserve all sacrifices which enable us from facing , those who are only interested in maintaining  their crumbling chairs  without observance of  workers suffering and problems .
El Dar also invite all existing   and democratic forces in the Egyptian society to solidarity with the workers of iron and steel in their legitimate demands ,where the removal of the company's chairman and president of the holding company consider as foremost demands  , as well withdrawal of confidence from the union , which its members  come through the fraudulent election on the basis of courts rule  , in addition to the  spokesman on behalf of it is  Abdul Fattah Ibrahim " President of the Union " . El Dar also call for  getting  rid of those whitebeard men ,and the referral of all corruptions files to the public prosecutor with running the company at full capacity .. Then finally exchange reward production ( profit ) which was approved by the General Assembly in the amount of  16 months at once.

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