CTUWS channel on youtube:
- The speech of Mr. Kamal Abbas, the General Coordinator of CTUWS in the international celebration of May Day, which is organized by ITUC
A Union Story, CTUWS film
CTUWS film: Up to the challenge
Act Now!.. A Labour solidarity Film with IFFCCO workers
On March 13, 2016 there was an interview on TV
with Dr. Amal Abdel Hamid, director of the Project on Working Women problems between Legislation and Actual Practices, where the dialogue was on the Working Women problems in different labor sectors within the framework of the first monitoring report results of the labor observatory in the Permanent Conference of Working Women, as well as the definition of Permanent Conference of Working Women and how it was established and the most important
issues are raised and its impact on Working Women, that was in a TV episode on Nile News channel "From Cairo" Program, where the first part of it was an interview with Dr. Amal and the second part was an interview with the Minister of Manpower who followed up on some contents in the report regarding Working Women in various labor sectors.
Kindly, find below links of the episode in 3 parts of "From Cairo" Program on Nile News channel.
1st part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNLScE2ty1s
- The Second Convention of the Permanent Conference for Working Women (Opportunities... Challenges) 19- 20 December, 2014
https://www.youtube.com watch?v=6lBo42PZGnA
- The First Convention of the Permanent Conference for Working Women (12-13 December, 2013)
https://www.youtube.com watch?v=SzEUk_Qg89Y
- A Law in Locked Drawers:
Click on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrrODTXkz78
- In the framework of our campaign for trade union freedoms:
Click on http://youtu.be/8zycbsOiwVo
to watch the first film of the series Movies (the workers in restrictions)
Three Years Imprisonment for Five Leaders of the Independent Union of Containers’ Handling in Alexandria
- And Click on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1HcYqdQLOQ
to watch the second film of the series Movies (the workers in restrictions)
the facts of what happened with the workers Portland Cement Company (Titan) in Alexandria
- Follow the link below to know about Shut Down CTUWS' Campaign
- A report was issued by CTUWS about the strike of Iron and Steel workers 2013:
- Mr. Kamal Abbas Speech for Solidar, in the Awarding Ceremony of Silver
https://www.youtube.com watch?v=t8XZl2BdKng&index=45&list=UUIQi8R5ra2_GbUO0mM8wcrQ
- Minster of Manpower attacking CTUWS:
- Film about CTUWS: